Do you need to have an Australian qualification to apply for jobs in Australia?
If you want to start a business in your area of expertise or seek employment in Australia in the same line of work you already have, here’s what you need to know. You might think that to get an Australian qualification, you will need to take an extra course. Think first of the skills you already have. You can reduce the time it takes to get an Australian qualification, you may not need to study because of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program.
What is Recognition of Prior Learning?
The Australian Qualification Framework (AQF), which is governed by the Australian Government’s Department of Education in consultation with the states and territories, gives all students the right to have their prior education, experience, and training acknowledged to facilitate their advancement towards and between qualifications. Every registered training organisation (RTO) has its own policies and procedures for determining your RPL eligibility, but the fundamentals are the same. The experience and skills you’ve gained through your work can help you complete a qualification faster and reduce the time commitment of taking a course to get you closer to your dream job.
The qualification obtained upon completion of the RPL program is used as an official qualification.
Get your skills certified today!
Ozlinks Education is an education agent that helps you convert your skills and work experience into recognised qualifications through our streamlined process for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program from one of our Education Registered Training Organizations (RTO) partners. Our team of experts will assess your individual circumstances and provide tailored support to ensure you achieve the qualifications you need to advance your career.
Why would you be interested in RPL program?
The Australian qualification that comes from registered training organisations (RTOs), also known as the qualification that is nationally recognised, can assist you in meeting any of the requirements listed below.
- Don’t have formal qualifications but do have work experience in their field.
- You want to work in Australia, but you don’t have an Australian qualification.
- You need a formal qualification to open a business in Australia.
- To work in the trade industry, you need qualifications to apply for a trade license.
- You want to apply for a working visa but don’t meet the qualification requirements.
- You want to apply for skills assessment for migration but don’t meet the qualification requirements.
All of these problems are very common in Australia’s migration community. With the RPL program, you can turn your work experience into a formal qualification from certificates II, III, IV, and diploma to the advanced diploma. With Australian qualifications, you can definitely solve all of the problems listed above and get better career opportunities.

The advantages of using RPL program
The RPL program converts work experience into an Australian qualification that can help you obtain a formal qualification that matches your current knowledge and skills, thereby contributing to your professional development, learning practice and socialize and your self-esteem to integrate into the Australian working environment is enhanced. RPL program helps you:
- There is no need to learn what you already know.
- It saves you time and tuition fees.
- Open new career opportunities.
- Help you achieve your career change goals in Australia.
- Obtaining an Australian qualification takes less time.
- You don’t have to take classes or repeat the training you’ve already done.
- It’s a quick and easy process to get a recognized qualification in Australia.
RPL Qualifications
Which qualifications are transferrable?
If you work in an office, that can help you get a certificate in business administration. Working on a farm can count towards a certificate in agriculture or mechanics. Working in a restaurant as a chef can help you convert your work experience into a Certificate IV in kitchen management. Following is a list of RPL qualifications:
- RPL Certificate III in Landscape Construction
- RPL Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations
- RPL Certificate III in Roof Plumbing
- RPL Certificate III in Joinery
- RPL Certificate III in Cabinetmaking
- RPL Certificate III in Carpentry
- RPL Certificate III in Solid Plastering
- RPL Certificate III in Shopfitting
- RPL Certificate III in Roof Tiling
- RPL Certificate III in Concreting
- RPL Certificate III in Stonemasonry
- RPL Certificate III in Demolition
- RPL Certificate III in Bricklaying and Blocklaying
- RPL Certificate III in Painting and Decorating
- RPL Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining
- RPL Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling
- RPL Certificate III in Construction Waterproofing
- RPL Certificate III in Plumbing
- RPL Certificate IV in Plumbing
- RPL Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
- RPL Diploma of Building and Construction
- RPL Advanced Diploma of Building Surveying
- RPL Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade
- RPL Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade
- RPL Certificate III in Glass and Glazing
- RPL Certificate III in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
- RPL Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
- RPL Certificate III in Baking
- RPL Certificate III in Hospitality
- RPL Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- RPL Certificate III in Patisserie
- RPL Certificate IV in Hospitality
- RPL Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- RPL Certificate IV in Patisserie
- RPL Diploma of Hospitality Management
- RPL Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
- RPL Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology
- RPL Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology
- RPL Certificate III in Heavy Vehicle Mechanical Technology
- RPL Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology
- RPL Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology
- RPL Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology
- RPL Certificate III in Mobile Plant Technology
- RPL Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis
- RPL Certificate IV in Automotive Electrical Technology
- RPL Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Overhauling
- RPL Certificate IV in Automotive Management
- RPL Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- RPL Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing & Disability)
- RPL Certificate III in Health Administration
- RPL Certificate IV in Ageing Support
- RPL Certificate IV in Disability
- RPL Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention
- RPL Certificate IV in Mental Health
- RPL Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance
- RPL Diploma of Community Services
- RPL Diploma of Mental Health
- RPL Diploma of Counselling
- RPL Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
- RPL Certificate III in Hairdressing
- RPL Certificate III in Barbering
- RPL Certificate III in Nail Technology
- RPL Certificate III in Beauty Services
- RPL Certificate III in Makeup
- RPL Certificate IV in Hairdressing
- RPL Diploma of Salon Management
- RPL Diploma of Remedial Massage