Skills Assessment for Migration
Skills Assessment is one of the important conditions that you must meet to be able to apply for some types of skilled visa such as subclass 482, subclass 485, subclass 189, subclass 190, subclass 491, subclass 494, the skills assessment is a mandatory criterion of the visa application process. The purpose of the skills assessment is to identify the oversea worker’s skills and assess their skills against the Australian ANZSCO skill level. A skills assessing authority is an organization, who will check that your skills meet the standards they set to work in a relevant occupation.
Skill Assessment Assistance
Each assessing authority has their own skill assessment criterion, procedures, and timeframes. The criterion undertakes by an assessing authority that apply to your selected ANZSCO occupational from the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) that will be assessed by the assessing authority in accordance with relevant professional standards.
Ozlinks Education Career Services provide an agency service, assisting individual applicants to understand the skill assessment requirements. Based on your selected ANZSCO occupational, we will be able to determine the right assessing authority and our knowledge of their requirements. Our experience in document checking ensure that you have meet the documentation requirements for the skills assessment application criteria, this process will allow us to tailor your application for maximal chance of positive outcome.

We can help prepare and lodge your skill assessment application Contact Us Now!
What We Do
- Assist you to choose the relevant ANZSCO occupation based on your education qualification.
- Help you to prepare all the necessary documents for your application.
- Filling out the application form.
- Submitting your skills assessment application.
- Tracking your application.
- Follow up, feedback if there are additional documents required by assessing authority.
Skills Assessing Authorities
We can assist you in preparing and submitting your skills assessment application to one of the following skills assessment authorities:
Short Name | Assessing Authority Name | Website |
AACA | Architects Accreditation Council of Australia | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
AASW | Australian Association of Social Workers Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
ACECQA | Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
ACPSEM | Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
ACS | Australian Computer Society Incorporated | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
ACWA | Australian Community Workers Association Inc. | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
ADC | Australian Dental Council Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
AIMS | Australian Institute of Medical Scientists | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
AIQS | The Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
AITSL | Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
AMSA | Australian Maritime Safety Authority | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
ANMAC | Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
ANZPAC | Australian and New Zealand Podiatry Accreditation Council Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
ANZSNM | Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
AOAC | Australasian Osteopathic Accreditation Council Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
AOPA | Australian Orthotic Prosthetic Association Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
APC | Australian Physiotherapy Council Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
APharmC | Australian Pharmacy Council Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'>httpss:// |
APS | Australian Psychological Society Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
ASMIRT | Australian Society of Medical Imagery and Radiation Therapy | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
AVBC | Australasian Veterinary Boards Council Incorporated | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
CAANZ | Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
CASA | Civil Aviation Safety Authority | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
CCEA | Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
CMBA | Chinese Medicine Board of Australia | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
CPAA | CPA Australia Ltd | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
DAA | Dietitians Association of Australia | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
Engineers Australia | The Institution of Engineers Australia | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
IML | Institute of Managers and Leaders National | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
IPA | Institute of Public Accountants Ltd | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
New South Wales Legal | New South Wales Legal admissions authority of a state or territory | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
Queensland Legal | Queensland Legal admissions authority of a state or territory | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
South Australia Legal | South Australia Legal admissions authority of a state or territory | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
Tasmania Legal | Tasmania Legal admissions authority of a state or territory | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
Victoria Legal | Victoria Legal admissions authority of a state or territory | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
Western Australia Legal | Western Australia Legal admissions authority of a state or territory | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
Northern Territory Legal | Northern Territory Legal admissions authority of a state or territory | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
MedBA | Medical Board of Australia | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
NAATI | National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
OCANZ | Optometry Council of Australia and New Zealand Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
OTC | Occupational Therapy Council of Australia Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
PodBA | Podiatry Board of Australia | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
SPA | The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
SSSI | Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute Limited | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
TRA | Trades Recognition Australia | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
TRA (trades) | Trades Recognition Australia | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
TRA (trades) | Trades Recognition Australia | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
VETASSESS | Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
VETASSESS (non-trades) | Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services | ' rel='' target='_self'> |
Short Name | Assessing Authority Name | Website |
Short Name:
Assessing Authority Name:
Awaiting my Ahpra certificate of registration in Podiatry in the next two weeks. Looking for a sponsored Visa position.