Benefits of study Professional Year Programs

Những Điều Cần Biết Về Professional Year Programs

Professional Year (PY) Programs are introduced by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) to address Australia’s skills deficiency through upgrading the employability of International Graduates from Australian university with a degree in the fields of Accounting, IT and Engineering.

The program provides by Accredit Providers in Australia aim to enrich International Graduates with valuable knowledge with relevant resume writing and interview techniques and understanding insight about the Australian employment market and workplace culture, plus a professional internship placement and networking opportunities. It allows graduates to develop industry specific skills through study and work experience preparing them pathway from University to employment in Australia. Successful of the completion, international student again five (5) points towards to their permanent residency application in Australia if they choose this pathway.

What is a Professional Year Program?

A Professional Year Program is structured program combining formal learning and workplace experience for International Students who have graduated from a University in Australia. The Professional Year is a 44 weeks program, which includes a 32-week theoretical knowledge and communication skills training and a 12-week full-time internship opportunity for graduate to gain a real work experience with an Australian employer.

International students must have completed a degree in Accounting, Computer Science or Engineering or a closely related area from Australian University in Australia. You must hold a Skilled Graduate Temporary Subclass 485 Visa, which allows you to remain in Australia after the completion of your degree to enrol this program.

Who can enrol in this program?

To qualify for the Professional Year programs you must have undertaken study in Australia and graduated from an undergraduate or post graduate degree program. In addition, you need to satisfy each of the requirements below.

  • Study & qualifications

Applicants must have graduated from a course that appropriately matches the Professional Year program to which you want to apply; have completed a Higher Education program in Australia, in a course that provides two years credit points over a minimum of 18 months.

  • Hold a valid Visa

Applicants must hold, or have applied for the subclass 485 Temporary Graduate Visa and the visa 485 holder must have a valid visa for the duration of the Professional Year Program period.

Engineering graduates with a positive skill assessment form Engineers Australia and holding a 476 visa Skilled-Recognized Graduate visa are also eligible for an Engineering Professional Year Program.

  • Hold a positive Skill Assessment

Applicant must have a successful skill assessment out come from their relevant Assessing Bodies as such ACS, EEA, CPA, IPA and ICAA.

  • Language proficiency

Applicant must have a valid English test with a minimum overall IELTS test score of 6.0 and with a minimum of 6 score in each band to be eligible to enroll for a Professional Year Program.

How to choose the best Accredit Program Provider?

It’s depend on which of the professional year program and a program accredited provider you want to take. We are an authorized agent with many Professional Year Program Accredit Providers who has offer scholarships to the eligible candidates on Professional Year Program Enrolment, please Contact Us [link to contact page] for more details.

Does the completion of Professional Year Program guarantee permanent residency?

No, successful completion of the Professional Year program does not guarantee you a permanent resident in Australia, however it will award five (5) points under an eligible skilled occupation for migration which may help you score points test boost your chance of permanent residency application, as specified by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).

Professional Year Program providers

It’s depend on which of the professional year program and a program accredited provider you want to take. We are an authorized agent with many Professional Year Program Accredit Providers who has offer scholarships to the eligible candidates on Professional Year Program Enrolment; please Contact Us for more details.


Accredited Provider for Accounting Professional Year Program

Computer Science (IT)

Accredited Provider for IT Professional Year Program


Accredited Provider for Engineering Professional Year Program

How much does a professional year program cost?

Depend on which of the professional year program and a program-accredited provider you want to take, program fees course start dates, fees structure, internship placements will be provided by accredited provider. We are an authorized agent with many Professional Year Program Accredit Providers who has offer scholarships to the eligible candidates on Professional Year Program Enrolment.

We have partnered with many Professional Year Program Accredit Providers in Australia who has offer scholarships to the eligible candidates on Professional Year Program Enrolment, please Contact Us one of our dedicate Professional Year Program specialize will provide options that best suit your preference.

Which Professional Year Program You Want To Enrol?


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