Melbourne Hot Spots Suburbs Lock-down Announced 30/06/2020

Victoria Covid-19 Hotspot SuburdsKeeping our communities safe
Melbourne Hot Spots Suburbs Lock-down Announced 30/06/2020 Tuesday, 30 June 2020 STATEMENT FROM THE HON DAN ANDREWS VICTORIA PREMIER
Very clearly, we are not where we wanted to be. And as today’s case numbers show, Victoria is experiencing significant community transmission of coronavirus. As a result of genomic testing, the Chief Health Officer has today advised the Government that a number of our cases through late May and early June can be linked to an infection control breach in the hotel quarantine program. Clearly there has been a failure in the operation of this program. The whole way through this, I’ve been upfront with the people of Victoria. And to say I’m disappointed about what’s happened would be an understatement. I have today ordered the establishment of an inquiry, led by a former judge, into the operation of the hotel quarantine program. I’ve also asked the Prime Minister to divert flights to other cities for the next two weeks while we reset the program under the supervision of Corrections Victoria. The inquiry will report in eight to ten weeks. I want to assure Victorians: no stone will be left unturned. No lead will be left neglected. ut while that is happening, we need to focus on the health situation in hand. [blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus, tortor neque egestas augue, eu vulputate magna eros eu erat. Vitae adipiscing turpis. Aenean ligula nibh, molestie id viverra a, dapibus at dolor. In iaculis viverra neque, ac eleifend ante lobortis id. In viverra ipsum …[/blockquote] Pellentesque suscipit urna mauris, interdum dapibus ac, rhoncus purus, dictum a, euismod id, felis. Fusce blandit eu, ullamcorper in, iaculis et, ultricies lobortis velit. Mauris imperdiet, urna mi, gravida sodales. Vivamus hendrerit nulla erat ornare tortor in vestibulum id, eleifend neque odio fermentum vel, consectetuer at, imperdiet sapien. Donec blandit, dui eu diam. In gravida ornare. Nullam accumsan. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent feugiat. Cum sociis natoque.
  • Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis.
  • Quisque lorem tortor fringilla sed.
  • Quisque cursus et, porttitor risus.
  • Nulla ipsum dolor lacus, suscipit adipiscing.
Sed dignissim justo. Suspendisse fermentum erat. Duis consequat tortor. Mauris ut tellus a dolor. Suspendisse nec tellus. Donec quis lacus magna, sollicitudin id, turpis. Mauris in velit vel sollicitudin justo. Proin vitae massa nec cursus magna.

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