Foundation Year for International Students?

Foundation Year is a yearlong course that help international students who may not initially meet entry requirements to gain entry into a particular undergraduate degree study at Australian University. Students who complete a foundation year are be able to pathway to their chosen undergraduate degree at University. There are few foundation year options at Monash College that available for you and it is depend on your background:

What benefits does foundation year study provide international students?

Apart from providing a pathway into degree-level study,  Foundation Year program play an essential part in helping international students adjust to academic and cultural life in Australia. Study in Australia is exciting and can open up a world of opportunities for international students, but it is also a huge commitment and can be an overwhelming experience. Many international students experience culture shock when they arrive in Australia, so taking a year to be establish while completing a less demanding qualification will help students prepare for their undergraduate study. It is also a great way to make friends, get to know the place you are studying, and the opportunity to adapt yourself into new host culture without the added pressure that comes when starting a three-year undergraduate degree at University. Another advantage is foundation year program are deliver in a similar style to degree courses, with a combination of lectures and tutorials. This will help the student understand the Australia Education system works, what is expected, and the general culture of the Australian student lifestyle. Here we list some of the benefits of completing one of foundation year program.

Foundation Year for Internaltional Students_ozlinks

You can choose a subject that suits your interests

Many foundation courses are design according to field of study and this allows international students to get started on their studies in their area of interest. Whether it is engineering, psychology, science, arts or medical.  Some foundation program design to accommodate for students with different educational backgrounds. For example, a foundation standard may cater for students who have never undertaken any study in the field.  Whilst an extensive program for those who have undertaken certain study but would like to improve their skills before entering into higher-level study.

You can improve your English language and academic skills

One reason why an international student would greatly benefit from undertaking a foundation year comes down to refining their English language and communication skills. Vietnamese international student Tom (Hung) graduated from Monash College Foundation Year program says that it was at Monash College where he has the opportunity to practice his English every day with friends and teachers. Communicating and expressing in English was new experience for him, the experience he gained that helped him prepare for university life and being able to speak in English everyday offered exciting challenges for him. Although, foundation courses allows international student to develop the skills they will need to succeed in tertiary education. This ranges from general study skills such as academic writing, time management, and independent research to knowledge in specific areas related to your chosen field. Tom (Hung) says, foundation year study really sharpened my communication skills, such as my speaking and my listening skills. You can also learn how to interact with friends from different backgrounds,”

Social benefits and cultural adaptation

International Student interact on the same level at foundation year study. The majority of international students are their first experience studying abroad on their own. It is an experience that can help students bond and in an environment where everyone is an international students. The opportunity to make new friends from student from different background. Moreover, the foundation year gives students an easier time to integrate into a new culture and environment in Australia. Tom (Hung) said, He learned a lot from the one year of studied at Monash College, where he was able to navigate the cultural differences between Australia and his home Viet Nam country. The days in school does not only mean endless hours of studying but the opportunity to integrate in the society, with all his friends and teachers. Activities outside the classroom was the most precious and the best experience” Tom (Hung) added.

Hear about our Foundation Year subjects from Monash College students and teachers to find out the benefits of how the program helps prepare you for success at Monash University.

“I definitely recommend studying maths as part of Foundation Year, because it opened up many choices for my destination degree. I find that it’s really interesting how Fundamental Maths is not just theory-based learning but I was also able to learn how to use formula and where to apply it. The teachers have also been very encouraging and supportive. They have taught me to be more of an independent learner.”


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