How International Student Become a Carpenter in Australia

How International Student Become a Carpenter in Australia_ozlinks education

If you enjoy working with tools and handling construct, erect, install, renovate and repair structures and fixtures made of wood, plywood, wallboard and other materials, and cut, shape and fit timber parts to form structures and fittings, then Carpentry Course may be the course for you!

International students can become a carpenter in Australia with a Certificate III Carpentry in a one-year study. Australia Education institutes are recognised for providing and producing highly skilled carpenters, you will gain the required skills to work in the building and construction industry in Australia and across the globe. In fact, Carpenters are in demand in Australia and have a high proportion of full-time jobs in the market.

In additional, Carpenter is on the occupation “Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL)” list. This means immigration has identified carpenters as an in-demand occupation in Australia.  Therefore, the possibility for you to find a full time job when you finish a course is very high and that potentially land to additional working visa in the future, a pathway to permanent residency outcomes.

Enrol Certificate III Carpentry Course

The Certificate III in Carpentry provides comprehensive training, covering all practical and theoretical aspects of the trade. This practical, hands-on course teaches you how to operate tools, how to build structures, how to plan drawings and specifications to determine materials required, preparing layouts and much more.

This course is delivered in Holmesglen’s specially designed facilities, acknowledged as the best in Victoria, and provides international students with practical experience on full-scale projects.

Carpenters are the key players in domestic house construction, often the first onsite, and the last to leave.

While carpenters have their specific skills and tasks to perform in the building process, they must also have knowledge of all other trades as a carpenter’s work often accommodates the other trades who follow them.

Holmesglen’s Carpentry Department has strong connections with the Master Builders Association (MBA), Housing Industry Association (HIA) and many commercial and domestic builders. The Certificate III in Carpentry is a nationally recognised qualification supported by the MBA and HIA.

Tuition Fees: $14,900 per year

Duration: Full time 1 year

Entry requirements

Good passes at Year 11 level or the overseas equivalent and preferably some relevant employment experience.

English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 5.5 (Academic) with no individual band score less than 5.5.

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What is it like to be a Carpenter?

Carpenters construct, build, install, repair, and erect wooden frames, foundations, walls and fixtures Carpenters work with tools and handling construct, erect, install, renovate and repair structures and fixtures made of wood, plywood, wallboard and other materials, and cut, shape and fit timber parts to form structures and fittings on residential, commercial and industrial projects.

Carpenter Job Description

Tasks Include:

  • studying drawings and specifications to determine materials required, dimensions and installation procedures
  • ordering and selecting timbers and materials, and preparing layouts
  • cutting materials, and assembling and nailing cut and shaped parts
  • erecting framework and roof framing, laying sub-flooring and floorboards and verifying trueness of structures
  • nailing fascia panels, sheathing roofs, and fitting exterior wall cladding and door and window frames
  • assembling prepared wood to form structures and fittings ready to install
  • cutting wood joints
  • may construct concrete formwork
  • may repair existing fittings
  • may work with plastic laminates, perspex and metals

Apply for a White Card

Anyone that works on a construction site in Australia is required to undertake construction induction training. A White Card is a mandatory requirement for construction workers in Australia. This means that if you want to work in the construction industry, you have to have one and you are not allowed to work on a construction site without a White Card.

White Card is the common name for the ‘Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry training course. Holding a valid White Card means that you have completed official, certified general construction induction training with a registered organisation within Australia.

How much can I make as a Carpenter?

The most common annual salary in Australia for a Carpenter is between $55k and $65k per year*.

*Sourced from

Can I stay in Australia longer after completing a Carpentry course?

International student, who completes the Certificate III Carpentry can pathways to further study in the following courses to extend their stay in Australia after their Certificate III Carpentry study.

  • CPC40110 Certificate IV in Building and Construction
  • CPC50308 Diploma of Building and Construction Management
  • CPC60108 Advanced Diploma of Building Surveying
  • 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)

International student, who completes vocational training in Australia for a minimum of two academic years, is eligible to apply for Temporary Graduate Visa. It is a great option for students who would like to extend their stay in Australia after their studies. It also helps those who are seeking to stay in Australia permanently, either through General Skilled Migration or Employer Sponsorship. This visa has full work rights, and full study rights. It allows you to travel freely to and from Australia during the validity of the Visa. For more information about this, visit Department of Home Affair.

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