International student’s eligibility for Extreme Hardship Support Program in Victoria

Extreme Hardship Support Program in Victoria_ozlinks education
23rd November, 2020 As the COVID-19, the pandemic crawls into its tenth month globally.  International students find themselves in a complex of uncertainty. The pandemic has intensified many of international student’s life due to being separated from their families. We post this acritical to clarify Extreme Hardship Support Program (EHSP) eligibility criteria for international students, as we are aware how most of you have been in undated by enquiries from international students who are in a desperate situation due to having limited to no access to financial support. The Extreme Hardship Support Program is still available for International Student Emergency Relief Fund (ISERF). It is for people on temporary and provisional visas and undocumented migrants.

What is the Extreme Hardship Support Program?

The Extreme Hardship Support Program is emergency financial relief to help people pay for food, medicine, or housing during coronavirus (COVID-19). The program provided by the Victorian Government with the Australian Red Cross. This payment is for people who are not eligible for Commonwealth Government income support (such as Jobseeker or JobKeeper) or the International Student Emergency Relief Fund (ISERF). It is for people on temporary and provisional visas and undocumented migrants. You may be able to receive a payment (money) from the Red Cross as part of the program. This payment has recently doubled from $400 to $800. If you received a $400 payment before 1 October 2020, and are still experiencing financial hardship, you can apply for an additional payment of $400 now. You will also be eligible for an additional payment of $800 if you are still experiencing financial hardship after two months. If you apply for support after 1 October 2020, you will receive a payment of $800. If you are still experiencing financial hardship after two months, you may be eligible for an additional payment of $800. Families may be eligible for more, depending on how many people are in the family and their individual circumstances. The Brotherhood of St Laurence is helping community organisations to identify and support eligible people to apply. The Red Cross can also provide you with information and connect you with other services. Please note that if you have already received support through the ISERF then you will not be eligible for support through this program.

Who can apply?

To apply, you must:
  • live in Victoria, and
  • not eligible to receive income from the Commonwealth Government (such as JobKeeper or JobSeeker), and
  • not have received a payment from the International Student Emergency Relief Fund, and
  • have zero to very limited income, savings or community support, and
  • be a temporary or provisional visa holder, or an undocumented migrant.

How do I apply?

Before you start your application, you will need:
  • Evidence of your current or most recent visa status such as your passport number or Immi card number.
  • Evidence of financial hardship (including current bank statements).
  • An email address.
  • Your bank account details (BSB and account number).
If you need any further clarification, please call Red Cross on 1800 855 240 or VISIT WEBSITE and they will be able to help with your enquiry. You can apply at Red Cross

When can I apply?

You can apply anytime. If you need help, apply as soon as you can. The program is currently open until December 2020. “Don’t forget to share this post!” Also thank you for sharing this Blog across to the international student community members you support and wider networks. 


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