Reason to Study Nursing in Australia

Reason to Study Nursing in Australia_ozlinks education

When people think of Australia, they see the nature beauty of pink lakes, vertical cliffs, and beaches crowded with kangaroos, koalas, the country’s landscapes are unrivalled with clean air and water. Australia is currently the third most popular destination for international students in the English-speaking world, behind the United States and the UK. Many international students are choosing to study in Australia because of the cultural diversity country has a huge variety of opportunities, excellent education system, and high standard of living.

Why study nursing in Australia?

Australian universities are globally recognised for their courses in teaching nursing. Do you know that the QS World University Ranking has identified Australia to have 11 university of the world’s top 50 institutions that teach nursing in 2019.

Healthcare is one of Australia’s fastest growing employment sector and the demand for healthcare services will continue to increase especially during the covide-19. It is no surprise that nursing industry is high demand because it offers high standard and rewarding profession.

The fields of study in nursing are diverse with nurses helping patients through the more difficult times of their lives. Skills needed are compassion, good communication, as well as the theoretical and medical practical knowledge. The benefit of studying nursing is that you can work in Australia and other parts of the world easily.

Upon completing your degree in nursing, you can join the AHPRA, the professional body for nursing in Australia. The benefits of joining such an organisation are the opportunity to network with other professionals and job opportunities. Furthermore, you receive the recognition of the qualification in your field and can continuously develop your skills and knowledge.

What is a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing?

The Bachelor of Nursing will prepare you to enter a career as a Registered Nurse in the Australian healthcare sector. You will learn vital skills in assessment and clinical decision-making, person-centred care, professional communication, enquiry and research, awareness of diversity and self-care practices. The course will provide you with an opportunity to deliver care in multiple health care, industry and community settings, in complex environments of healthcare systems.

The Bachelor of Nursing is designed to prepare you for a career as a Registered Nurse. Students can apply for registration with the national regulatory authority, Ahpra, on the completion of the degree.

Registered Nurses find themselves working in an array of areas from community care and public health settings to schools and hospitals in Australia.

Bachelor of Nursing at Swinburne University

At Swinburne, you will benefit from it is strengths in technology and innovation. Your clinical skills will be developed safely using simulation technology and realistic case studies, and you will undertake 800 hours of placement in a variety of clinical settings. Speciality study areas will include high acuity nursing, mental health services, aged and palliative care, rural and Indigenous health care, and family, paediatrics, and primary health care.

Swinburne provide a small class sizes that will provide you with individualised support and assessments will be approached with an authentic, real-world view , all to help you develop into a well-rounded professional.

Click here for details of Bachelor of Nursing at Swinburne University

Bachelor of Nursing at Torrens University Australia

Torrens University Australia is part of Laureate International Universities, a leading international network of quality, innovative institutions of higher education comprised of nearly 70 universities across 23 countries. Torrens’ association with Laureate International Universities gives you the opportunity to leverage our community of over 1,000,000 students around the world – including more than 100,000 online students.

Click here for details of Bachelor of Nursing at Torrens University Australia

Bachelor of Nursing at Melbourne University

Nursing is a rewarding career choice that will allow you to work with people of all ages in a wide variety of settings around the world. From humanitarian work and disaster relief in an international setting, to health services within your own community – nurses play a crucial role in healthcare services globally. You’ll graduate with both an undergraduate and a graduate degree, giving you a higher level of qualification than a traditional double degree.

Click here for details of Bachelor of Nursing at Melbourne University

How much does a nurse earn in Australia?

Registered Nurses (RN) in Australia earn salary betweem $58,000 –  $73,000 per year. Nurse wages vary based on location, qualifications, experience, and seniority. Ranges of resources are provided below to assist in determining the pay for nurses and midwives in Australia.

Click Here to find out the different between Register Nurse and Enrolled Nurse

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