Tasmanian Skilled Migration State Nomination Program Update

Last Updated on December 7, 2022 by Ozlinks Education

Tasmanian Migration Application Gateway launches on 12 December 2022

The Tasmanian Skilled Migration State Nomination Program made the news public on Tuesday 6 December 2022. The new Migration Tasmania Application Gateway will open in the afternoon of 12 December 2022. It will become the central portal for applying for Tasmanian skilled visa nomination

The Tasmanian Government is now making the switch to the new system and checking to make sure everything is working right. This means that their system won’t be able to accept any nomination applications until the new gateway is live on 12 December 2022.

If you have not yet received an invitation to apply for nomination, you will need to register in the Gateway when it goes live. Registrations received in the Gateway from 12 December 2022 will be held for six months, and the highest-ranking candidates according to the priority attributes claimed will be invited to apply for nomination.

Tasmanian Migration Application Gateway launches on 12 December 2022

What does this mean for your interim ROI?

What does this mean for your interim ROI?

If you have already submitted an interim ROI and have been invited to apply:

There will be no impact on you. You can continue to lodge your application for nomination up until Friday 9 December 2022.

 If you have submitted an interim ROI but have not yet received an invitation to apply for nomination:

If you are still interested in being nominated by Tasmania for a skilled visa you will need to record a new ROI in the Application Gateway after it is launched on 12 December 2022. ROIs submitted through the Application Gateway will be held for up to six months.

If you have not submitted an interim ROI:

The Tasmania Government is not currently accepting new ROIs until December 12, 2022. After the Application Gateway is launched on 12 December 2022, you will be able to submit an ROI. 

Final nomination allocation received

Tasmania has now received its final allocation of skilled visa nomination places for the 2022-23 program year. This includes an additional allocation of 900 subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional places.

Tasmania’s final allocation comprises of:

  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa: 2000 places
  • Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa: 2250 places

Nomination allocation and usage (as of 6 December 2022)

The Tasmanian government has announced the skilled nominated visa 190 and skilled work regional visa 491 nomination allocation as the following:

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa

  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa:
  • Nominations – 784 of 2000 places used
  • Unfinalized nomination applications – 184
  • Invitations issued but not yet accepted – 12
  • Oldest application yet to be processed – lodged 13/10/2022

Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa:

  • Nominations – 480 of 2250 places used
  • Unfinalized nomination applications – 103
  • Invitations issued but not yet accepted – 8
  • Oldest application yet to be processed – lodged 3/10/2022

Source from: https://www.tas.gov.au/

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