What is a Tax File Number in Australia

Tax File Number (TFN)
“Attention International Students” Everyone moving to Australia should to apply for a Tax File Number (TFN), your TFN is your personal reference number in the Australian Tax and Superannuation systems. To work in Australia you need a visa that allows you to work here in Australia, while you’re working in Australia, it’s important to understand tax considerations that could apply to you and your income. You should apply for your TFN before you start work or soon after, you do not require a TFN to work in Australia, but it is to your benefits to have one. If you do not, you may pay higher tax and the tax withheld is 45% from your wage and also have no entitlement to government benefits that you may otherwise be eligible for. Residents and temporary visitors are required to pay taxes on income earned in Australia. While it is not compulsory to have a TFN, we would encourage you to apply for a TFN, see the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website for further information to learn about Tax File Number.

You can apply for a tax file number online if you meet these three conditions:

  1. You are a foreign passport holder, permanent migrant or temporary visitor.
  2. You are already in Australia.
  3. Your visa is one of the following:
  • a valid permanent resident migrant visa
  • a valid visa with work rights
  • a valid overseas student visa
  • a valid visa allowing you to stay in Australia indefinitely.
Tax File Number (TFN)

How do I apply for a Tax File Number online?

You can apply for a TNF online and it will take about 20 minutes, in order to apply you must have a valid passport or relevant travel documents. You will be asked to enter:
  • your passport or relevant travel document number,
  • your personal details including your legal name and other names you use or have used and contact details for yourself or your preferred contact person,
  • a residential postal address in Australia to receive your TFN
You don’t have to provide proof of identity documents – the ATO will compare your personal and travel document details with Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) records.

How long does it take to get a TFN?

According to the Australian Tax Office website, it can take up to 28 days to receive your TFN, the ATO will send your TFN to the Australian address you provide on your TFN application. Click Here will link to the ATO website to apply for your Tax File Number Reference Sources: Australian Tax Office      

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