What Parents Need To Know When Sending Your Kid To Study Abroad!

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Sending your child abroad for studies is a big step in a parent’s life. While you are proud and excited for your child’s bright future, you can’t ignore feeling a bit anxious about the big move. The very thought of sending your baby out into the world can be scary for any parent, but that’s not all that keeps you up at nights. Most parents are troubled by some legitimate concerns about studying abroad. From high programme fees, to safety, food and lodging to the company your child keeps — these questions can make any parent doubt their decision to send their child abroad. Though a lot of these concerns are valid, they are not strong-enough reasons to shut the door on your child’s dreams. In this article, we aim to address some of these concerns and offer insights that might help put your mind at ease. If your child is considering an exchange for a semester, or even a whole year abroad, this information may help you feel confident in their decision. Sending your child off overseas can be scary. An overseas exchange might be the first time they’ve travelled without you, or it might be the first time they’ve been overseas at all. But studying overseas is an exciting opportunity. Your child will experience new cultures and languages, eat things they’ve never tried before, make new friends and have fun. But importantly they’ll gain a valuable international perspective in their study and forge global career connections. We’ve compiled this list of tips to help prepare you and your child for the exciting adventure ahead.

Safety of International Students In Australia

Your number-one concern about allowing your child to take part in study overseas is likely to be their safety. Their safety is also very important to us. At Monash we have state-of-the art campus security, and we ensure our safe environment with 24-hour campus security that includes regular security patrols and CCTV camera surveillance. Read more about the safety of our campuses, as well as tips for preparing your child for overseas study. For students going on overseas programs, Monash has implemented a system called AlertTraveler that tracks potentially dangerous overseas incidents or events. If our students are going on a full semester overseas program, it is mandatory for them to download the AlertTraveler app onto their phones. Once registered, this app notifies the university if any of our students are in the area at the time of an incident and to confirm their safety. If the situation is considered serious, the information from this app can be used to work with the nearest diplomatic mission and get our students evacuated from the area.

What Is The Climate Like In Australia?

Australia is a very large and diverse country, with no particular climate. However, the climate is mostly warm, especially in highly populated regions on the east coast of the country. There are four distinct seasons in most parts of Australia; summers are warm to hot, spring changes, winters are cool and autumns are pleasant. In the tropical northern cities of Darwin, Cairns and Townsville, there are two seasons: hot, humid summers and warm, dry winters.

What Is Overseas Student Health Cover  (OSHC)?

All students in Australia must have OSHC to cover the entire period of their stay. You need to buy this insurance when applying for a visa. OSHC covers inpatient, outpatient medical assistance, prescription drugs and ambulance assistance. Make sure you know your coverage to avoid any unwanted fees.


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