How to migrate to Australia as a Baker

migrate to australia as a baker ozlinks


Last Updated on November 14, 2023 by Ozlinks Education

How to migrate to Australia as a Baker

Australia has always been a popular destination for professional bakers looking to further their careers and establish themselves in a multicultural culture. In recent years, Australia has seen an increase in the demand for talented bakers who can contribute to the country’s diversified hospitality environment

In order to move to Australia to work and make a permanent home here, Skilled bakers need to know how to obtain a working visa and which visa can be a pathway to permanent residency (PR). In this blog post, Ozlinks Education will share with you the requirements and steps required to achieve permanent residency (PR).

Are bakers in high demand in Australia?

There has been an increase in the number of bakers employed in Australia because of the rising demand for upscale bakery goods. The manufacturing sector of the food industry that specialises in baked goods is one of the most important employment generators.

According to the National Skills Commission (NSC) 2022 Skills Priority List report, ANZSCO: 351111baker is classified as a shortage across Australia’s states and territories, as illustrated in the table below:












Future Demand 













What is the ANZSCO code for baker?

According to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, the ANZSCO code for baker is 351111 . Full visa and skill assessment requirements can be found at ANZSCO: 351111.

What skill level is a baker in Anzsco?

Bakers produce and bake bread loaves and rolls, buns, cakes, biscuits, and pastry items, and an ANZSCO skill level 3 is required. Skill Level 3, an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificate III in Baking, as well as at least two years of on-the-job training, or an AQF Certificate IV in Baking.

Click on this link to learn more about AQF level.

What visas are available for the 351111 bakers?

The occupation of baker is included on the short-term Strategic vocation Skills List (STSOL), which provides access to a variety of visas that may lead to permanent residency. If you are a Baker, the following visas may be available to you:

Can a baker apply for permanent residency in Australia?

ANSZSCO: 351111 bakers, those who work as bakers for an approved sponsor are eligible for a pathway to permanent residency under the Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) visas program.

Do I need to do a skills assessment for the baker’s occupation?

Yes, you must complete the required skills assessment to apply for the temporary skilled shortage (TSS) Subclass 482 and DAMA if your home country and passport are from one of the following countries: China, Fiji, Hong Kong SAR, India, Macau SAR, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam, or Zimbabwe.

If you are applying for the General Skilled Migration (GSM) Program on independent, state- or territory-sponsored nominated permanent visas or provisional regional visas, you are required to complete a skills assessment as it is a fundamental requirement.

Need help with the skill assessments for the ANZSCO: 351111 Baker,contact us now!

What does a baker do?

Bakers prepare and bake bread loaves and rolls, buns, cakes, biscuits, and pastry goods.

Their job involves:
  • checking the cleanliness of equipment and the operation of premises before production runs to ensure compliance with occupational health and safety regulations.
  • checking the quality of raw materials and weighing ingredients
  • kneading, maturing, cutting, moulding, mixing, and shaping dough and pastry goods.
  • preparing pastry fillings
  • monitoring oven temperatures and product appearance to determine baking times.
  • coordinating the forming, loading, baking, unloading, de-panning, and cooling of batches of bread, rolls, and pastry products
  • Glazing buns and pastries and decorating cakes with cream and icing
  • operating machines that roll and mould dough and cut biscuits.
  • emptying, cleaning, and greasing baking trays, tins, and other cooking equipment

How do I find a job as a baker in Australia?

If you are a highly skilled baker with more than 5 years of experience looking for a sponsor job in Australia, we have employers who are looking for skilled migrants and are prepared to sponsor you to work as a baker. Visit the job placement page to fill out an application online.

Why do I need help with skill assessment?

Each assessing authority has its own guidelines, timelines, and criteria. The ANZSCO occupation you choose from the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) will be subject to the criteria set forth by an assessing authority. The assessing authority will assess your chosen occupation based on their professional standards.

Ozlinks Education and Career Services is an agency that helps people understand what the skill assessment requirements are. We can help you choose the right occupation based on your qualifications and the work experience that you have. We’ll be able to find the right assessing authority and advise you on what they need.

We are experienced in document checking, so you may be confident that you’ve done everything necessary to meet the skills assessment application criteria and give yourself the best chance of getting a positive result.

If you need help with the skill assessments for the ANZSCO: 351111 Baker, we can help you.

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